Legal warning


Date of preparation of this legal notice: 30/07/19

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the following data are reflected below:

• The owner and owner of this website is: EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L.
• CIF: B67461632
• Address in C/ Casp, 151 Pral.3º, 08013, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
• Mailbox / Email contact:

This website, including the source code, logos and the contents prepared by its owner or its collaborators, are protected by the national and international regulations in force on intellectual property, all rights reserved, so that the user is empowered only to navigate through the website for viewing as private use.
The user undertakes to respect all the rights of “intellectual and industrial property” associated with this website. You can view the elements of the website and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of your computer or on any other physical medium as long as it is, solely and exclusively, for your personal and private use, being therefore strictly prohibited. the transformation, distribution, public communication, provision or any other form of exploitation, as well as its modification, alteration or decompilation. The user must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security system that was installed on the pages of EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L.

The owner of the website and its licensors or agents are not liable, under any circumstances, for damages of any kind that they may cause, by way of example: errors or omissions in the contents, lack of availability of the website or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful programs in the contents, despite having taken all the necessary technological measures to avoid it.
The website owner is not responsible for the links derived from his website informed to the user that when he is in a different domain than the one he is in. Please read the privacy policy and legal notice that determines the conditions of use of said website.

The owner of the website reserves the right to make without prior notice the modifications it deems appropriate on this website, being able to change, delete or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they appear presented or located on the website and access to them.

The relationship between the owner of the website and the user will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts and courts of the city of Barcelona.



Date of preparation of this privacy policy: 30/07/19

EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L. (hereinafter the owner of the website), in accordance with the recommendations established by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, and other autonomous agencies such as the Catalan Agency for Protection of Damages in relation to giving the right to information to You As a user (data owner), you have developed a new privacy policy:


1.1 Responsible for the Treatment
Dear User, the person in charge of processing and collecting data through this website will be the company.
So, keep in mind that when you enter (browse) and interact through this website you are doing so with EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L.

C.I.F .: B67461632
Address: C/ Casp, 151 Pral. 3º, 08013, Barcelona, ​​Spain.

1.2 Purpose of data processing
At this point we present a description of the purposes of the treatment of the data that can be given / collected on this website, associated with the files that EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L.

File: Web users (contacts)
Purpose: Navigation (Cookies). Request an appointment
Observations: Associated with a web form

Please, in your capacity as user / data owner, before accepting the privacy policy (click on the acceptance box) or consent for data processing, make an approach to the basic information in general, and specifically to this table where the purpose of using the data you provide us and the file or files where you can integrate them (data) is determined.

1.3 Deadlines or criteria for data retention
At this point, information related to the purpose of data processing that can occur through this website is provided. Establish that EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L., can handle more files, but here only those that have an impact with the data processed on the website are explained.

Files: Web users (contacts)
Conservation period: The contact data will be kept indefinitely as long as there is no request for opposition or cancellation by the data owner.

The maintenance of the term of the data is established based on an own criterion of EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, SL, associated with the purpose of use of said data, criteria established by a legal basis that obliges EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS to be maintained, SL (another law that requires its maintenance) and other associated statistical or historical reports that may be of interest to the EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L., at a strategic or managerial level.

1.4 Recipients ”(of transfers or transfers)
Files: Web users
Assignees in general: Public bodies competent for the request derived from the fact that according to the regulatory framework, the consent of the data is not necessary.

1.5 International Data Transfers
At this time EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L., in its capacity as file / data manager, does not transfer or transfer data to third parties (other companies) located in a different state of the European Union.

1.6 Rights of data holders (of interested persons)
In order to reach one of the fundamental aspects of the current and future regulatory framework (applicable in May 2018), such as the rights attributed to natural persons (data holders), we will send you an email ( so that you can request us, if you think so, a form for the exercise of the rights that are referenced below:

to. Access
Note: The right of access is that of a data owner, as may be the case, consisting of being able to know the information that society has about you.

b. Rectification
Note: The right of rectification is that of a data owner, as may be the case, consisting of rectifying that information / data that the company has of a data owner, for example you, and is not updated or appropriate to the data holder’s reality or is wrong.

c. Cancellation
Note: The right of cancellation is that right to request that the data be deleted when they are no longer necessary or if the processing is illegal

d. Opposition to your treatment
Note: The right of opposition is the one that has a data holder, as may be the case, consisting in opposing the use of that information / data that the company has of you, and you do not want to continue using it (information / data) for certain specific purposes, for example not receiving commercial information.

Note: The right of deletion is the one that has a data holder, as may be the case, consisting in deleting that information / data that the company has of you, and that you do not want to continue using it ( information / data), covered by legal assumptions.

F. Portability of your data
Note: The right to receive personal data in a mechanical reading format and send it to another data controller.

g. Request Limitation of Treatment
Note: Request the limitation of the processing of your personal data in certain cases.

1.7 Data source (origin)
In general, the data, through this website, are obtained:

• Of the interested party

Note: The data provided by a holder (web user), You, in any of the forms or procedures for collecting data established for this purpose on the website, will be your own, not having to perform, in general in processes of registration of third party data, unless you have the capacity to represent or expressly authorize

1.8 Data collection forms
In general, on the website we can find the following forms for data collection:

Type: Contact Form
Purpose: Contact EVENTUM STAFF FOR EVENTS, S.L. to request information
Assignees: The transfer of data to third parties is not foreseen
Observations: Only contact information (email, name, telephone) will be requested.