Our Sustainability Policy:
With the aim of being a company with greater social and environmental responsibility, since December 2021 we have been certified with the BIOSPHERE SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE seal.
Nº de certificado: BEV 010/2022 RTI
This certification obliges us to the following commitments:
- Safety: Establishing measures to avoid risky situations and creating protocols for action in the event of an emergency
- Local products: Promoting local entrepreneurship by acquiring, whenever possible, products or services that are produced in the destination.
- Technological innovation: Incorporating, whenever possible, new technologies and innovative methods that allow customers to enjoy a better experience
- Responsible consumption: Ensure, as far as possible, the intelligent and efficient management and use of water and energy resources, consuming those that generate the least impact on the environment and can be recyclable or reusable
- Sustainability of cultural heritageS: contribute to the conservation of tourist attractions, respecting the rules and accesses designed for their preservation and protection.
- Nature and biodiversity: adopting responsible behaviour, avoiding the generation of waste, and collaborating with the sanitation and cleaning programmes carried out at the destination to prevent the deterioration of natural spaces and maintain biodiversity
- Training: Encouraging knowledge and learning among our employees, providing them with channels and means for their training and professional retraining that improve their skills and abilities to offer a higher quality service.
- Diversity: Favouring the elimination of barriers that limit the integration of people based on gender, origin, religion, sexual orientation, economic situation or other condition.
- Work: Ensuring that the working conditions of our employees are decent, ensuring that hiring opportunities are fair, regardless of gender, origin, religion, sexual orientation or other status.
- Transparency: Offering our customers accurate and continuous information before, during and after enjoying our service.
Our first out-of-office corporate social responsibility action:
Last December, taking advantage of the company’s less commercial activity, the entire Staff4events team went to the Parc de la Ciutadella in Barcelona to collect rubbish.
It was not very difficult to organize this action since our offices are only a 10-minute walk from the park. The time spent was relatively scarce, but the feeling of helping to keep your city clean and above all, to lead by example, was magnificent. We hope to have the opportunity to repeat soon!
With the aim of being a company with greater social and environmental responsibility, since December 2021 we have been certified with the BIOSPHERE Responsible Tourism System. The methodology adopted from the world summits sponsored by the United Nations through UNWTO and UNESCO during 2017, the World Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. Framed in this methodology is the Biosphere Circle©, a unique approach in the world that integrates and unites tourism companies, destinations, tourists and tourism communication.